If you want to receive the ₹30 airdrop offer in Free Fire and purchase diamonds at a very low price, make sure to read this post till the end for all the information you need.
As a Free Fire player, you likely know the price of diamonds. The developers have set a high price for diamonds, making it difficult for most players to buy them. Sometimes, the developers show mercy and offer us a special ₹30 airdrop, which includes 299 diamonds and several other rewards. You may have received this ₹30 offer before, but it doesn’t come back for long once it’s available.
There are certain ways to receive the ₹30 special airdrop offer three times a month. Follow the steps below to maximize your chances.
How to Bring the ₹30 Special Airdrop Offer
To receive the ₹30 offer three times a month, you need to keep these key points in mind:
- Never Buy Diamonds: Avoid purchasing diamonds altogether.
- Avoid Top-Up: Do not top-up your account.
- Keep Diamonds and Gold Coins Low: Maintain a low amount of diamonds and gold coins in your account.
- No Top-Ups for 7-8 Months: Ensure you haven’t topped up for 7 to 8 months.
- Play Very Little: Limit your gameplay.
- Login Rarely: Log in to the game only a few times a week—ideally just three times.
If you follow all these points, you will receive 2 to 3 offers in a single month. This is not a myth; as you know, when we log in to Free Fire after a long time, we often get the ₹30 offer immediately.

What Will You Get in the ₹30 Special Airdrop?
When you receive the ₹30 airdrop, you will get diamonds along with other rewards. The rewards you can expect from this offer include:
- 299 Diamonds
- 5 boxes of different gun skins
- Pets
- Characters
- Character bundles
- Pet emotes
- Pet skins
These are some suggestions that, if followed, can help you receive the ₹30 special airdrop offer in Free Fire. It’s a smart strategy to take advantage of this special airdrop. If you buy fewer diamonds, you will likely receive this offer repeatedly. However, if you purchase a lot of in-game diamonds, the chances of getting the ₹30 special airdrop offer will decrease.
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